How to get from Marrakech to Essaouira
It is approximately 200 km from Marrakech to Essaouira via the N8 national road, a 2 hour 45 minute drive.
By car
2 hours and 45 minutes by car via the N8, you need to leave Marrakech by taking the road to Agadir. The best starting point is from Marrakech train station.
Diesel is Dh9 (less than 1 Euro) per litre. Petrol is about Dh10.50 (1 Euro).
By bus
From Marrakech to Essaouira, you’ll be driving in about 3 hours, for less than 10 Euro a way.
Two lines serve Essaouira from Marrakech: CTM and Supratours.
CTM tickets can be bought online, but we strongly recommend that you buy your tickets at the station. The same goes for Supratours, the ticket office is just behind the Marrakech train station.