How to get from Casablanca to Essaouira
It is approximately 350 km from Casablanca to Essaouira via the A1 motorway, a 4 hour 30 minute drive.
By car
4.5 hours by car via the A1 motorway, you have to leave Casablanca by taking the Oasis road in the direction of the Faculty of Legal, Economic and Social Sciences of Casablanca.
On the way to Essaouira you will pass two main cities: El Jadida and Safi, before arriving in Essaouira.
The price of diesel is Dh9 (less than 1 Euro) per litre. Petrol is around Dh10.50 (1 Euro).
By bus
From Casablanca to Essaouira, you will be travelling in about 5 hours, for about 15 Euro per journey.
CTM is the company that serves Essaouira from Casablanca. The main CTM station is in the city centre, not far from the Rue des FAR, on Boulevard Hassan Seghir.
CTM tickets can be purchased online, but we strongly recommend that you buy your tickets at the station.